The Bird Boy Pin


This Pin features Krud, which is a member of The GOTTS (Guardians of The Temples) family, a series of cartoon characters inspired by Cambodian creatures of Angkor Wat and is created by Joshua Chiang!

3.9 cm (length) 3.9cm (width) x 0.2cm (thickness)

This item is shipped from Cambodia, as Normal Registered Mail, and takes 3-4 weeks to arrive at international destinations.


Copyright © 2024 Joshua Chiang.



Krud is one of name of bird in India mythology and is the vehicle of VISHNU and the enemy of the dragon. Krud is also symbol of strength, courage and fly agility. Both can fly to heaven and can fly through the sky. In general, Krud in khmer art  has a body and arm like human, ,with a beak, wings, and claws like an eagle.  It is a member of The GOTTS (Guardians of the Temples) family, a series of cartoon characters inspired by Cambodian creatures of Angkor Wat and is created by Joshua Chiang!

3.9 cm (length) 3.9 cm (width) x 0.2cm (thickness)

This item is shipped from Cambodia, as Normal Registered Mail, and takes 3-4 weeks to arrive at international destinations.


Copyright © 2024 Joshua Chiang.

Additional information

Weight 0.054 kg
Dimensions 3.9 × 3.9 × 0.2 cm


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